173: The Dance of Books Another in my “Bookseller Cabinet” series where I feature a wider range of books. In this case the catalogue is a two-part (nos. 171 + 172) effort. Available from our stock of remarkable art is a superb collection of the work of the fantastical Mexican artist SERGIO BUSTAMANTE. We have about 33 pieces for sale at present. We have some fine Californiana pieces (11-13, 40, 121, 157), some extraordinary specimens of fine printing lead by Landacre’s California Hills (40), LIME KILN PRESS American Bard (40) and the PLANTIN PRESS Shakespeare Sonnets (122). Theodore Roosevelt’s African Trails with a signed card (147), two GRANGERIZED BOOKS – “extra illustrated” – (19, 158), and a remarkable 17th century Persian manuscript of Rumi’s greatest work (154). Interested in tales of early travels (both fiction and some fact) there is Stirling-Maxwell’s copy of Struys (182). 219 items.
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